Making Bath Salts

Create & relax

Making your own scented bath salts is easy! Bath salts are a wonderful way to combine the therapeutic benefits of our all-natural bath salt with the relaxing, soothing effects of aromatherapy. Creating your own unique bath salt recipe can be as simple as adding essential oils to bath salts, but adding dried herbs, colorants, or other natural ingredients make the possibilities endless.

Making these bath salts for yourself or for your business takes little time and is very rewarding. SaltWorks® offers these free bath salt recipes for making wonderful spa products like scented bath salts, salt glows, bath teas, bath bombs, and salt crystal potpourri!

Simple Scented Bath Salt Recipe

  • 16 ounces all-natural bulk Bath Salt
  • 15-30 drops of essential oil

In a mixing bowl, add drops of the essential oil to the bath salt and mix well. Store in a glass jar. Add 1/3 to 1/2 cup of the scented salts to a bath for a soothing, luxurious experience!

Our Favorite Bath Salts:

Bokek® Dead Sea Salt: This is the most unique salt when it comes to the good stuff. Magnesium, potassium, and bromide (just to name a few) act as natural skin softeners and muscle relaxants.

Pure Ocean® Premium Bath Salt: Unrefined sea salt from the pristine waters off the southern coast of Australia. Contains all its natural trace minerals but has none of the additives found in processed salts.

Breton® Grey Sea Salt: A naturally beautiful sea salt. The grey color comes from the clay-lined salt ponds where the salt is collected by hand. Contains essential minerals that your skin will drink up!

Ultra Epsom® Sea Salt: Not your ordinary Epsom salt! This sparkling variety is USP-grade so it is super high quality. Magnesium sulfate is wonderful for softening skin.

Ancient Ocean® Himalayan Pink Bath Salt: This salt is found in the majestic Himalayan mountain range. The color comes from the high mineral content. It's not only pretty—it's good for you!

Our Favorite Bath Salt Blends:

Supplies for making bath salts


  • 16 ounces Bokek Dead Sea Salt
  • 20 drops lavender oil


  • 16 ounces Himalayan Pink Bath Salt
  • 10 drops spearmint oil
  • 5 drops rosemary oil


  • 16 ounces Ceara Pure Ocean Bath Salt
  • 20 drops sweet orange oil
  • 10 drops grapefruit oil

Soothe your muscles

  • 16 ounces Ultra Epsom Salt
  • 5 drops eucalyptus oil
  • 15 drops lavender oil

CAUTION: Essential oils may cause sensitivity to your skin. Oils you should avoid in your bath salt recipes include but are not limited to: basil, oregano, thyme, nutmeg, clove, cinnamon, black pepper, and bay (Pimenta and Laurus).

Consult your physician before using essential oils if you have high blood pressure, are pregnant, or have other medical concerns.

Salt Glow Recipe

Mix the bath salts together and set aside. Mix all of the oils together and pour the mixture into a glass or PET storage jar (container should have an airtight seal). Slowly pour in the bath salts and mix well.

Your salt glow should be stored in a cool, dark place to maximize its shelf life. Adding a drop or two of rosemary essential oil will help to preserve your scrubs.

Bath Tea Recipe

Add essential oil to the bath salt and mix well. Add dried herbs and stir to combine. Fill each tea bag with approximately 4 ounces of the mixture. If you are packaging the bath teas, pack them individually in plastic to seal in the scent.

To use, simply toss one bag into warm bath water. As the tea bag seeps, the salts will melt and the fragrance from the essential oils and herbs will disperse. Dispose of the tea bag after the bath, or the organza or muslin bags can be reused.

Dead Sea Salt Scrub

  • 1/2 cup Bokek® Dead Sea Salt (Fine Grain)
  • 1/2 cup almond oil, jojoba oil, or massage oil
  • 5 -15 drops essential oil blend

Salt scrubs are incredibly easy to make at home, and a Dead Sea salt scrub will bring you all the benefits of skin exfoliation along with the therapeutic benefits of Dead Sea salt with its very high mineral content.

Pour salt into a mixing bowl and slowly add the oil, mixing well with a wooden spoon. Add the essential oil and continue mixing. This recipe should provide enough Dead Sea salt scrub for three at-home treatments. To use, simply rub into the skin before showering.

Salt Crystal Potpourri

Making Salt Crystal Potpourri is a simple process—the trickiest part is the coloring of the crystals. You have three choices for colorings: liquid-based, glycerin-based, or mica powders. The liquid-based colorings will dry the best, glycerin will be a nice translucent coloring, and mica gives you opalescent options. You can also simply rinse the crystals for a glass-like look.

Add the fragrance and color. Spread crystals out on parchment to dry. If you're using liquid or glycerin colorants, an easy way to color the crystals is by wearing rubber gloves and rubbing the color on the crystals. You will have to sprinkle the mica and then mist it with your fragrance.

Bath Bomb Recipe

  • 1 cup Pure Ocean® Premium Bath Salt (Fine Grain)
  • 1 1/4 cups citric acid
  • 2 1/2 cups sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
  • Witch hazel
  • Essential oil blend
  • Dried herbs (optional)

Mix all dry ingredients. Prepare molds by sprinkling dried herbs on the bottom (if desired). Using a spray bottle, moisten the dry mixture with the witch hazel and essential oils. As soon as the mixture holds its shape, pack into the molds. Use caution and do not over mist! Allow to dry overnight, then remove from molds. Package in airtight plastic bags.

Try varying the formulas above to create your own signature bath salt recipes!

Scenting Bath Salts

All the bulk Bath Salts that SaltWorks offers are very easy to scent. The amount of essential or fragrance oils you will need will depend on the quality of oil and the variety used. For example, you would need more grapefruit oil in making your bath salts than peppermint oil because the mint family is much stronger than the citrus. The oils will travel easily through the salts. When making scented bath salts with essential oils, always store your scented salts in airtight glass or PET (type of plastic) containers.

Coloring Bath Salts

Be sure to use FD&C-approved, or herbal, colorants for making bath salts. It is recommended to scent the salts before coloring. Once you mix in the color, let sit in a sealed container overnight. The color will disperse for more even coverage.

Sea Salt Cell

Some Bath Salt Water Therapies call for a Sea Salt Cell or Dead Sea Salt Cell. This is simply a single-bath portion of bath sea salts mixed with therapeutic-grade essential oils. A deep therapy cell recipe will call for two pounds of salt mixed with approximately 40 drops of your chosen essential oil blend.

Bath Salt Recipe Ingredient Glossary

Bath salt ingredients

Bath salts

Sea salts and essential oils are a wonderfully synergistic combination. The relaxing properties of hot water complement the effects of well-chosen salts and essential oils. Aromatic baths can provide relief from stress and anxiety, assist with muscle and joint pains, and treat the symptoms of more severe skin conditions. Both men and women are enjoying aromatic baths in increasing numbers. The therapeutic Benefits of Sea Salt Baths are well known and often recommended by doctors for treating a wide range of medical conditions.


Aromatherapy is the practice of controlled use of essential oils to maintain and promote physical, psychological, and spiritual well being. As a holistic medicine, aromatherapy is both a preventive approach as well as an active treatment during acute and chronic stages of illness.

Essential oils

Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts distilled from a variety of plant material including leaves, flowers, needles, fruit peels, grasses, wood, and roots. These oils, with the exception of lavender and tea tree, should always be diluted in carrier oil before applying directly to the skin.

Dried herbs

Many dried herbs possess the same scent and healing properties of their essential oil counterparts. Herbs are popular additions to bath salt recipes and bath tea recipes and look great in a finished product. One drawback is that they can be messy in the tub, so a good option is to include an organza bag with your bath salts to use as a tea bag. The bath salts melt, the herbs seep in the hot bath water and once the bag dries it is easy to empty out the herbs and reuse the bag.

Carrier oils

Moisturizing vegetable oils are commonly used as a carrier for essential oils. Most essential oils are too strong to apply directly to the skin and should be diluted by the ratio of 12 - 30 drops of essential oil to one ounce of carrier oil. Carrier oils can also be combined with sea salts to create exfoliant salt scrubs.

Hydrogen peroxide

Adding hydrogen peroxide to bathwater increases the oxygen available to the body. Hydrogen peroxide baths leave the body feeling alert and revitalized, like just after a rain shower. This gentle bath is antibacterial, antiviral, and cleansing to the emotional and energetic bodies. Add six ounces of food-grade hydrogen peroxide to a hot bath and soak for 20 - 30 minutes. Be careful in handling this concentrated solution of hydrogen peroxide as it can "burn" or irritate the skin. Diluted in the bathwater, it is fine for skin contact.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar baths can restore a natural pH level to the skin and hair, as well as rejuvenate and build up the body's resistance. It helps restore acid mantle protection to the skin, which is lost from swimming and from routine use of soaps on the skin. It helps combat unfriendly bacteria, fungal overgrowth, and is helpful with vaginal and bladder infections. Apple cider vinegar baths are soothing to the skin, alleviating itchiness, poison ivy, and sunburn discomfort. As with all hot baths, it causes the pores to open and aids in general systemic detoxification. Make certain to use pure, unprocessed apple cider vinegar. Use 2 - 4 cups in a hot bath.

Sodium bicarbonate

A hot bath with equal parts baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and sea salt assists in detoxification from exposure to heavy metals and radiation. It is also beneficial for cleansing the the auric field, and for soothing itchy skin. In combination, use 1 - 2 pounds of each. Bath sea salts are recommended, as opposed to rock salt or common table salt, which are depleted of nourishing minerals.

Citric acid

Citric acid is a key ingredient, along with sodium bicarbonate, for bath bombs. It is also great for making fizzy bath salts. The combination creates an effervescent blend that helps release the aroma of your essential oils into the air, creating an uplifting aromatic bath.


FD&C dyes dispersed in liquid or glycerin are popular for adding color to bath salts. Herbs can also be used to create beautiful natural colors for your salts. Powdered mica added to any recipe will create beautiful pearl essence salt.

* The statements and products shown on this website have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.