SaltWorks® Trademarks

Exclusively SaltWorks'

At SaltWorks, we're always thinking ahead to meet changing times. Throughout the years, we have created many products our customers have come to know and love. We're proud of our growing list of innovations below, from our subsidiary brands to our proprietary processes to our slogans. When it comes to salt, we never stop innovating.

Current Trademarks

Word Mark Registration Number
5th Ocean
Active Smoke
America's Sea Salt Company ®3815953
America's Sea Salt Company ®4940141
Ancient Ocean ®4395906
Antarctic Ocean Salt
Artisan ®4547738
Artisan Salt ®4547739
Artisan Salt Company ®3907964
Aussie Flake ®5348026
Bokek ®3852791
Bolivian Rose ®5179737
Bonfire ®4208607
Breton ®5815436
Cold Ocean Salt ®88622727
Cold Water Ocean Salt ®88622735
Cold Water Salt ®88622734
Cold Water Sea Salt ®87240355
Durango ®3911131
El Dorado ®4342187
Every Great Dish Deserves the Perfect Salt ®3840737
Fifth Ocean
Fumée de Sel ®4288117
Fusion ®3687893
Fusion ®4055165
Grain of Salt ®4688329
Grand Reserve
Grindstone ®5087792
Hellfire ®4342190
Hellfire ®4074048
Indobold ®5657373
Malabold ®5445131
Masada ®4874958
Mediterra ®4074342
Ocean Salt
Optically Clean ®5433151
Pacific Blue ®4396275
Paragon ®4342548
Perfect Salt
Perfect Smoke ®6138036
Polar ®5740223
Polar Ocean ®88622703
Pure Ocean ®3911252
Refill Reuse Repeat ®5470832
Relief Rx ®4051819
Relief Rx ® Plus
Salish ®3866728
Saltology ®4396289
Saltology ®50301630
SaltWorks ®2954938
SaltWorks ®3843425
SaltWorks ®4458018
SaltWorks ®5568808
Serious About Salt ®3852792
Snowflake Salt ®4044085
Tartufo Vero ®87905644
Ultra Epsom ®4939933
Venom ®4529582
Wildfire ®4342189
Wildfire ®4074046
Yakima ®3943409

Design Mark Registration Number
A (Artisan Salt Company) 5327383
Artisan Ceramic Grinder 5426529
SaltWorks ®4458019
SaltWorks ®4458020
Sno ®3834801


  1. USE THE CORRECT FORM of our wordmarks, such as "Salish ®, "Fusion ®" or "Optically Clean ®". The ® or ™ must appear whenever a SaltWorks' trademark is used or mentioned and must be footnoted that is a trademark or registered trademark of SaltWorks, Inc.
  2. DO NOT make statements that are misleading, fraudulent, inaccurate, disparaging, potentially damaging or otherwise untrue about any of SaltWorks' brands, products, videos, photos or other copyrighted materials.
  3. DO NOT MAKE COMMERCIAL USE of our trademarks, logos, designs, and copyrighted material without first obtaining prior written permission from SaltWorks, Inc.

As mentioned above, whenever you make fair, non-commercial use of our trademarks, please always use the correct form of the mark when referring to, describing, or mentioning our products.

When using our trademarks to describe a given product or process in the context of creating original printed collateral, web, video & photo content, proper credit must be given to SaltWorks in a clear & legible manner.

If you have any questions regarding the policies outlined above, please contact SaltWorks for clarification prior to usage. We can be reached at 425-885-7258 or via email at

Thank you! We greatly appreciate your business.